Autumn reminds me of "To Kill a Mockingbird" ever since I had to read it my sophomore year of high school. The book begins in the summer but quickly transitions to fall. When I feel the crisp chill and see the changing leaves I'm struck with impressions of racial justice, coming of age and judgment that arises out of fear. I'm reading it again for a refresher.
A lesser but still poignant theme in the book is developed when Jem and Scout sit with Mrs. Dubose. There are a dozen spins here, but at the root was that Jem and Scout had no idea of Mrs. Dubose's demons associated with her morphine addiction and what they were doing to help her.
I was Mrs. Dubose today. Sort of. I'm not near as cantankerous. I have no addiction, and "demons" is overly dramatic, but I was mooooved by the exuberance, optimisim, and spontenatiy of the kids that cowed with me today in ways their youth couldn't possibly grasp.
The day is best told through our cowntless pictures....
My first impression of Nick: he put his head through one of the legs. Oh boy. Here we go... |
The first herd shot on the camput of Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT. Sarah, me, Nick & Lydia. |
Driving along in Vermont...doot dee dooo....A COW! STOP! We've got to take a picture!
Flannel. I'm home. |
Shockingly, this is my FIRST picture with "real" cows that look like me. |
They are SUCH good herd members. Quote of the day here by Nick: They're all, "Hey, how'd you guys get out?" |
This was weird. It was a beef booth at the Farmer's Market in Shelburne.
The lady ... well... her jokes made us sad and uncomfortable. |
The Burlington Farmer's Market. Um. Ok. Sure. We'd love to pose with you.
It was early for the guy behind us to be so jazzed, though.
Sarah performs the first photo-documented heifer handstand. |
Sarah is chomping on the biggest Vermont-grown honey crisp apple ever. |
Exactly like the Beatles' Abbey Road. (EXACTLY) |
Shadows of the herd on the boardwalk of Lake Champlain. |
Lydia going for the oh-so-organic "Heifer looks to the future" look. Nailed it. |
Cows watching boats. |
Hooray! Group shot on Lake Champlain. The guy was so nice not to run away with my phone. |
Here we are! The Ben & Jerry's factory in Waterbury, VT. |
The girls had a pose in mind. Nick didn't have the same pose. It's cool.
There's always a black cow of the family. |
Is the ice cream here yet? (BEST RESTROOM DOOR EVER.) |
Ahhhh....the arch to bliss. |
What is with them always going for "pensive"?! We are happy (simple) cows! |
Inside the Ben & Jerry's moooovie room. Loved the colors! And look at them just loving their pictures taken.
Official members of the herd right here, folks. |
Pretty much the biggest/best sample EVER after our tour. (Which they gave us for free because we were so cute.)
Nick totally worked it when he bought our tickets. |
This is Amy, our tour guide. She was nice. I covetted her cow earrings. |
The flavor graveyard. Can't believe they named one "Turtle Soup." |
Can't decide if this is too morbid or funny. We're going with funny. |
Loooove the colors. |
Hangin' with Lydia, the neighbor kid. |
Yum. Just yum. |
Roommates for their freshman year in college. Makin' memoories. ;-) |
They talked about going to a party or going star gazing and kayaking tomorrow. Ahhh....youth.
I'm settling in for a snack and a good book. And, yes. I may eat the whole thing. Cows have like four stomachs, don't they? |
We listened To Kill A Mocking Bird on CD on a road trip once. I loved it! The boys liked it too, even Aidan was quiet and listened. : )