So, I went to junior high and high school with this guy named Jim. Jim married this gal named Nicole. I became Facebook friends with Nicole after my 20 year high school reunion, and yes, this is exactly how I began a previous blog Cows say 'Cheese'. Nicole has been buggin' me for three years to visit them for the Urban Cow Half Marathon because, well, you know...COWS!
This was our text exchange earlier this summer:
Nicole: The Urban Cow half marathon is October 5.
Me: Ooooh. Are you running?!
Nicole: Jim is running. I hope to be cowing.
Subtle. So subtle. I adore Nicole. She is witty and smart and I swear that we spent time together in another life and whaddaya know--the Urban Cow finally worked into my schedule!
I've really only gotten to know Nicole over social media and I didn't talk to Jim much in junior high because I didn't think he was a serious enough student. Good grief. What kind of kid thinks that about her peers? Yeah. This over achiever teacher's pet right here. I'm lucky that Jim has grown into a kind, cool and mature man (That's right--I just called Jim Bowmer "mature" ) and he doesn't hold any of my middle & high school flippancy against me.
Jim was the nicest guy in all of my middle and high school years in lil ole Pocatello, Idaho. He grew up just a few blocks from me but we never played together because I was either playing sports or studying and I imagine he was doing whatever shenanigans might resemble Huck Finn or the Goonies. After high school he went on to the University of Idaho to earn a degree in forestry, and get this--he's now an office forester. Because he's a knowledgeable & personable extrovert, he was tapped to work in Washington DC and contribute to policy and planning. He was transferred to California a few years ago.
I've loved seeing Jim's and Nicole's pictures on Facebook. With shots of pints, pets, and their favorite sports teams (the Washington Nationals, Philadelphia Eagles, and Dallas Cowboys--COWboys. How fitting), theirs is an enviable lifestyle.
I was slated to be in Sacramento less than 48 hours. Jim picked me up from the airport in the 8th inning of a playoff game between the Nationals and the San Francisco Giants. Let's examine that for a second... Jim LEFT THE BAR and A NATIONALS GAME to come get me. This is just past kidney donation on Jim's list of selflessness. I'd had one of the crappiest weeks I'd had in a loooong time and the thought of having a few beers in a smokeless sports bar with some fabulous folks was going to be heaven.
I'd only had two Cliff bars to eat all day and by the 4th beer and 15th inning with no food, I was starting to get irritated that their stupid baseball team wasn't just getting it done. What we needed was some cow, so I left Jim & Nicole & went to my suit case to suit up. I ran into these lovely folks in the parking lot. Apparently they don't see people throwing on cow suits in bar parking lots all that often, and after a couple questions, I extended a cheery invite for them to join me. They did!
New friends Dan & Alli
I have no idea when we finally got to Jim and Nicole's but it was after 18 (EIGHTEEN) innings and with a pizza under Jim's arm (thank God.) We had to be up and at-em at 5:30. Mooooo!
The pictures below tell the story of Jim's Urban Cow Half Marathon race day...
The bib application is reminiscent of a prom corsage. |
Jim is impressed with my desire to photo-document his Urban Cow experience. |
He relented for the photo op and is ready to run! |
I was trying to capture the porta-potty mayhem. Yowza. |
ANOTHER BOUNCE HOUSE! Notice the volunteers' skepticism here. |
 | they're willing to pose with the cow. |
Nicole came over to join. We about went rumproast-over-teakettle on this one. |
If I were in college, this would be in my possession right now. |
After Jim started his run, I had to find coffee, and the rays of heaven shined down near a Starbucks. (Note the National's hat.) |
Waiting in line & playing with phones. |
Nicole was soooo sweet making her way to the perfect spot at the finish line to get Jim's picture. |
Once again he's earned the title...JIM'S AN URBAN COW!!
There he is! (For the record, his time was faster han that because he was in the later wave.) |
Maybe I should run the Urban Cow so *I* can get a medal. Naaaaah! |
If I were in college, this also might be in my possession now. |
A couple who got engaged at the race last year. |
Runners who wanted to pose with us. (This ALWAYS happens.) |
I was posing to get the arch but I swear that Jim waited until the scantly clad runner was there to snap the pic. |
Jim gave me his bag! It's perfect for cowing! (and for carrying food with me the next time I watch a playoff game with them.)
Jim & Nicole were in a rush to get back to the bar for the Cowboys & Eagles games. They brought their clothes with them and didn't tell me we weren't going by the house to change. |
Jim: Whatever. The game's on. |
Jim: No seriously. The game is on. |
I've never been a Cowboy's fan. As soon as I learned about their cheerleaders when I was in elementary school, the lil feminist in me was like, "Nope." (Yes--I realize all NFL teams have cheerleaders, but I'm recounting the thoughts of a 10 year old here.) I may just be a Cowboys fan now because (1) Jim likes them and I like Jim, (2) there is costume potential with their stars and my suits and (3) their stars remind me of Wonder Woman stars! (There must be dumber reasons to like a sports team.)
As I consider a slow meandering path to becoming a fan of the Cowboys, I consider the short, fast path to becoming a fan of Jim. It may sound trite, but I'm so proud of this guy and thrilled to know him. His journey from small city beginnings in Idaho to becoming a metropolitan professional is as quintessential American Awesome as his favorite Dallas Cowboys, ice cold beer and his (kickass) lady to love 'em both with.
Thanks to Jim for running and to Nicole for cowing... Cheers!
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